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Image by Van Tay Media


As Ushers we believe as the Psalmist, "Better is one day in your courts  than a thousand elsewere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dewll in the tents of the wicked,"

Psalm 84:10

As Ushers, we serve as the "first representative" of Jesus Christ for a worship service. We take pride in greeting each person with a smile, shaking hands and handing out bulletins; being available in meeting the needs of all.

What a wonderful thing it is to be part of the family of God! It is exciting to look round each Sunday and see new faces join us for worship whether it be through regular attendance or just visiting for a service.


Dedicated and medically trained personnel who assists in any situations that arise of a medical nature during church services. 


I pledge by the help of God to do my best to serve my church with a pure heart, clean hands, and a breath that will not be offensive to those I welcome into the house of the Lord.

I further pledge' to attend my meeting and serve when called upon, unless I can give a reasonable excuse; and to keep my financial obligations of the Board as near as possible.

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